The Couple on Cedar Close by Anna – Lou Weatherley

The Couple on

Cedar Close has always been a nice place to live – a quiet suburban street where everyone looks out for one another and bad things don’t happen. Until late one evening, when Robert Mills is found dead in his bedroom. 

Downstairs, in their beautiful kitchen, his wife Laurie sits alone in the dark with her head in her hands. She can’t remember the last few hours, but she knows she didn’t kill Robert. The trouble is, no-one believes her…

π π π π

Available today – January 18, 2019! 

Turns out this is the second novel in a series, but like me, you can read this as a stand alone and not miss out on anything!

I found that this was a quick read novel. The novel moves along nicely and splits into multiple characters – Laurie, Detective Dan Riley and a young girl growing up. I figured out quickly who the killer was, but for reasons unknown to me until the very end.

I wish the novel took a bit of a different approach and we got to know Robert a bit more. A lot of things came out after this death and I wished we got to see a one day in the life of Robert. I think it would of been very interesting and added a little bit more to the mystery.

3 calculators out of a potential 5. A good read by an author that I will check out again! Note: I did find one storyline a bit disturbing, so this novel may not be for everyone.

Thank you to Netgallery and Bookouture for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.


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